The very notion of so much delibration on theory of marxism , vividly emphasize that there is hope and chance to reclaim the very notion of a just/eqalitarian and opperession free world. The need of hour,as you 've rightly stated that to fight with utmost ressolve and an undomitable will with all the forces of revisionism. You'll agree with me when I say that the whole intelligentia of world is engulfed into a graet HAZE- A Haze of confusion,chaos,lack of clarity and in a great deal lack of any visible theory which can throw the dimmest light upon this state of affair. I personaly feel that the act of Lenin when he chose to write "Materialism and Emperio-critism" has to understood in total historical perspective and we must put forward the theory from the thread he had left. To have an iconoclatic perspective upon any of theretical promlem 'll be the a great folly for which history'll never forgive us. See -the greatest attribute of POWER(let us accept the Foucaultian intrepreatation of history) is to appropriate /sumsume even the greatest rebel. Budha,Mohamad even Christ were greatest rebels of their time but history has shown that the POWER could apprpriate them and assimilated into itself. More or less the same thing has happened with Marx/Lenin also and we must accept that the present Power(to Quote US et el. shall be over-simplification) has made them unfashionable/out of context/histoeical blur. You talk to the most opperessed youth - even he 'll not envince slightest interest into the marxian theory.
I strongly feel that as far as Economic Theory is concerned, there is no better or even the reply to Marx. The whole gamut of economists througout have only tried to falsify the surplus value theory and the inherent contradictions of capitalism - may it be Keyense,Schumpeter,Samuelson - they are only trying to cover up the glaring contradictions of capitalism which was so clearely expounded by Marx.But the historical blunder has happened that nobody since marx have even tried to further develop/evolve the economic theory which is core of whole Marxism.Instead the focus was sifted to superstructure-cultutral studies / sexuality and other polemics. The result is so clear- Bourgesis has simply appropritated the whole leftist movement.